Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Where am I?

Mentally I've tracked my progress
Still I don't confess to be intellectually the best
As of late I couldn't really rely on my conscious to give me the right answers
It could be because I've stopped feeding myself truth
The conscious can only recall the truths it has learned
Up until this awakening I've realized my new thoughts are more deplete of truth
Now...the inverse of not feeding myself with truth would be that I've been ingesting falsities, lies, fantasies.
So as I become more transparent to you, the reader, know that in the same breath
I'm tracking my progress
And the conclusion reached.....
The Progression never ceases.

1 comment:

  1. I think drew you will never lose your sense of “truth” and as truth I’m guessing your spiritual walk with God. (I’m not really sure if you were just typing away your thoughts, and I might be thinking too hard.)
    There comes a time and a place where we all get sidetrack from Gods way…we want to do our own thing and it leaves us second guessing we’re all human, but you just acknowledging that you’ve lost your sense truth is that means that you still have a sense of understanding of the Truth! :) but now that I read the end im guessing youve just said what I said.....but ya cool statement
